Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Information & Tehnology

How to Insert an Image Inline in Gmail


With Microsoft Outlook 2007, one can copy and paste screenshot taken by Snipping Tools into the email body. Instead of appearing as image attachments to recipients, the images are shown inline with text in the email body. In Gmail, there is no such feature by default, to insert images inline in email body. You can, however, enable a Gmail Labs feature called “Inserting Images” to enjoy this function.

As you can see from the screenshot, sender can easily refer to the image by explicitly position the image in question right inside the email body, rather than asking recipients to refer one of the attachments. It is more convenient to read email with images appearing inline as compare to open attachments one by one and flipping between email message and attachment views, isn’t it?
How to paste image in Gmail message body?
1) Log in to Gmail and access to Gmail Labs
2) Locate and enable the “Inserting Images” plugin appears in the Gmail Labs listing
Now, go to compose an email in Gmail, you should notice a new shortcut icon (as highlighted by irregular circle in the screenshot). Click the “insert image” icon to select the right image with pop-up dialog box and click OK button to insert / paste image into the email body.
To turn on Gmail's Insert Image button :
  1. Follow the Settings link in Gmail.
  2. Go to the Labs tab.
  3. Make sure Enable is selected for Inserting images.
  4. Click Save Changes
To insert an image found on the web fast in any Gmail message:
  • Make sure the image is located at a web server.
  • That means you can open the image in your browser and have an address line that starts with "http".
  • You can upload the image to your web host or use a graphic you found on the web (which you can use without violating any terms).
  • If you don't have a web site, turn to a free image hosting service instead.
  • If the image is larger than some 640x640 pixels, consider shrinking it to more handy proportions before you put it online.
  • Locate the image on the web site or open it directly in your browser.
  • If the image appears on a page together with other items:
  • Click on the image with the right mouse button.
  • Select View Image from the menu.
  • Hit Ctrl-A (Windows, Linux) or Command-A to highlight the image.
  • Hit Ctrl-C (Windows, Linux) or Command-C.
  • Make sure rich text editing is turned on in the Gmail message you are composing.
  • If you can see a Rich formatting » link above the editing area, click it.
  • Position the cursor in the Gmail message where you want the image to appear.


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